
1st Grade
Puppet Show and Puppet Making.

2nd & 4th Grades
African Drumming (4th Grade) and African Dance (2nd Grade) Residencies.

3rd Grade
Solar System Mobiles.

5th Grade
Drama Residency.


5th  8th Grades
Holiday CD Recording.  Steiners Workshops and Performances.

5th  8th Grades
Students worked together to create a 20 foot-long Mosaic Mural that now graces the Camden Rockport Middle School Cafeteria.  Inspired by the artwork of Eric Hopkins, the mural involved the effort of over 200 students and artistic volunteers Lana Arau, Michele Orne, Ingrid Ellison, Jenn Iott, and Susan Taylor.

9th – 12th Grade
Architectural Renderings. Life Skills Bracelets. Hair & Makeup. Costume making. Art Class Workshops. Dance Workshops. Permanent Outdoor Sculpture. Faux Painting Workshop. Sponsor "Then & Now" Photography Project.